GBENN Summit 2016

Jean Ponzi leads a tour of the Missouri Botanical Garden

The Green Business Engagement National Network (GBENN) held its second national Summit of green business programs on October 19-20th, 2016 hosted by GBENN and at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, MO.  greenUP! acted as the fiscal sponsor for this event.  There were 30 green business programs from the USA and Canada who attended this event.

There were six sessions and two keynotes.  In a post-summit survey where all sessions were rated on a 5 point scale (where 5 is excellent), all the sessions received between a 4.2 to a 4.8 rating. Participants appreciated the opportunity to network with other programs, share best practices and learn from each other.

The Powerpoints from each of the sessions are available for download on the GBENN site.